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Ember Certified Contractor Network

A network of contractors trained in wildfire defense products and proper installation

The Ember Certified Contractor Network provides property owners with local contractors experienced in wildfire home protection. Once customers are connected with an Ember Certified Contractor, they can work together to develop a plan to address their property's wildfire risk and develop a plan to mitigate this risk.

Connect with an Ember Certified Contractor

Please fill out the information below and we will connect you with one of our Ember Certified Contractors.

Find an Ember-Certified Contractor
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Are you struggling with maintaining insurance?
Would you like Ember Defense to refer you to a trusted broker to talk about policies?

Benefits of becoming an Ember Certified Contractor

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High Quality Leads

Leads are vetted prior to connection to ensure a smooth hand off to the contractor that leaves both customer and contractor comfortable with the project(s) moving forward.

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Industry Leading Wildfire Products

As a part of the Ember Certified Contractor Network, you will have access to industry leading wildfire products to ensure customers meet local regulations and their wildfire risk mitigation needs.

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Lowest Pricing and Fees

Ember Certified Contractors receive a discount and preferred order routing, leading to faster estimating and project installation timelines. Ember Defense does not take a percentage or fee from leads.

Interested in becoming an Ember Certified Contractor?

Click the button below to fill out the form to apply to become a part of the Ember Certified Contractor Network and start getting local leads in your area.

Ember-Certified Contractors Products and Services

Vulcan Vents

Vulcan Vents are specially designed to stop embers, flames, and heat from entering the home and starting a fire from inside.

FireStorm Gutter Guards

By guarding the gutters, the vulnerable areas on the roof’s edge and eaves will be clear of leaves and pine needles that act as kindling during a fire.

Firebozz Cannons

Firebozz cannons are portable sprinklers that shoot powerful streams of water and can be moved to continuously keep oncoming flames at bay. Firebozz units can also be connected together to create a powerful firebreak.

WASP Sprinklers

WASP sprinklers can be attached to existing gutters by the homeowner and are able to soak the roof and surrounding vegetation in order to minimize the risk of ignition.

Platypus Sprinklers

Platypus Sprinkler heads are installed on the  roof’s edges to soak the property’s surroundings and put out any burning embers. Water in the air also increases humidity, minimizing the chance for ignition and further fire spread.

How does the process work?

1. Fill out the form

Fill out the form on this page and we will get in touch with you to tell you more about the program and make sure you are a good fit.

2. Business Background Check and NDA

We will send you a few forms to fill out and will run a Business background check.

3. Ember-Certified Contractor Onboarding

We will work through our onboarding program to ensure all Ember-Certified Contractors understand the proper ways to defend and harden homes against wildfires.

4. Dedicated Leads

Once you have completed the onboarding process, we will begin sending leads for homeowners in your local area. Ember Defense will not charge a percentage for these jobs.

Become an Ember Certified Contractor

Apply to join the network of trained and knowledgeable Ember-Certified Contractors.

Contractor Requirements:

  • Pass business background check
  • Bonded and insured per the state Contractor's Board
  • Must be properly licensed per State Contractors Board requirements

Ember Defense does not take a percentage of work completed by Ember-Certified Contractors. We only require contractor's to purchase wildfire defense products through the Ember Defense website.

Ember Certified Contractor Application

Fill out the application below and we will reach out to you to review the program and provide you with some additional forms to fill out.

Apply to be an Ember-Certified Contractor
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