
Platypus Sprinklers

Platypus Sprinklers provide effective ember protection via high-quality sprinkler heads that can be installed around the home and on the roof’s ridgeline. Platypus Sprinklers are built to withstand high temperatures with UV-stabilized nylon spinners complete with flame retardant.


The Platypus Controller measures measures ambient air temperature to automatically activate the sprinklers. Water from Platypus Sprinklers can douse dangerous embers as well as increase humidity in the air to deter fire ignition and spread.

platypus sprinklers spraying house

Firebozz Water Cannons

Firebozz is a portable water cannon that sends gallons of water up to 150 feet in the direction of oncoming flames. Since the sprinkler is easy to set up to continuously run, it can be left to run with minimal oversight, leaving firefighters to battle flames that need more immediate attention.


Ideal for large property or commercial asset protection such as sawmills, oil and gas, and wineries.


A Firebozz sets up a powerful firebreak that can move with the fire and is commonly used for commercial or government structure protection.

mobile water system

WASP Wildfire Protection System

The WASP Wildfire Protection Kit consists of exterior fire sprinkler heads that mount onto the home’s gutters, using strong water pressure to soak the rooftop and surrounding area. The WASP system can be turned on and left running in the case of evacuation.


WASP roof sprinklers can be installed in minutes to protect your home for a lifetime. A simple, cost-effective solution to saturate your home and surrounding landscaping.

wasp sprinklers on gutter

Wildfire Sprinklers

Save your home with water.

A good defense against fire is built in layers. A sprinkler system may be the layer that saves your home. Because fire’s worst enemy is water.


And when that water is unleashed with the power that our sprinkler systems deliver, your home is protected by a reliable, ongoing drenching that continues to run on a water supply while you and your family evacuate.

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Full coverage of roof and home’s surroundings

Increased humidity reduces odds of ignition

Automatic or remote activation

A home wildfire protection sprinkler system can be the best defense.

A wildfire sprinkler system is the most obvious firefighting method, continually proving to be efficient in dousing embers before they grow into devastating flames. An extensive study by the Firewise Program in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources cited the effectiveness of sprinkler systems at protecting not only homes but surrounding combustible landscapes as well.

port hill fire

Protecting Your Property Starts With Defense.

Wet homes don’t burn.

Soaking the home with water or foam is a key component for fire suppression efforts. Not only does water hydrate potential fuels, making them less susceptible to ignition, but it also helps create a cooler microclimate around the home, stopping embers in their tracks.


We offer our customers three types of exterior sprinkler systems to meet their needs.

Large property or asset protection
Garden hose hookup
Saturates fuels preventing ignition
WASP Sprinklers

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