Ember-Certified Contractors
Our network of trained and knowledgeable contractors can make the necessary updates to your home to protect it against wildfires.
Fill out the form below to get connected with an Ember-Certified Contractor in your area.
Ember-Certified Requirements
Contractors go through extensive background checks.
Contractor's licenses are verified and must meet state regulations.
Contractors must be bonded and insured based on license requirements.
All Ember-Certified Contractors are trained and knowledgeable on home hardening products sourced through Ember Defense.
Ember Defense does not take a percentage of work completed by Ember-Certified Contractors to ensure homeowners get the lowest possible price.
Connect with an Ember Certified Contractor
Please fill out the information below and we will connect you with one of our Ember-Certified Contractors.
What our Ember-Certified Contractors do:
Vulcan Vents
Vulcan Vents are specially designed to stop embers, flames, and heat from entering the home and starting a fire from inside.
FireStorm Gutter Guards
By guarding your gutters, you can keep the vulnerable areas on your roof’s edge and eaves clear of leaves and pine needles that act as kindling during a fire.
Wildfire Sprinkler Systems
Not only does water hydrate potential fuels, making them less susceptible to ignition, but it also helps create a cooler microclimate around the home, stopping embers in their tracks.
Defensible Space
Defensible space is the buffer you create between your home and the grass, trees, shrubs, or any wildland area that surround it.
Roofs, Siding, Windows, and Decks
Understanding the building material used on your home helps identify potential ember entry points.
How does the process work?
1. Fill out the form
Fill out the form on this page and we will get back to you within two business days with any questions.
2. We connect you with an Ember-Certified Contractor
We will reach back out and connect you with an Ember-Certified Contractor based on your location and the services needed.
3. Contractor will work directly with you
Once you have been connected with the right contractor, you will work directly with them for your project needs. Remember, Ember Defense does not take a percentage of work completed by Ember-Certified Contractors to ensure homeowners get the best possible price!
4. We need your feedback!
Once you have completed your project with your Ember-Certified Contractor, let us know how it went! We want to make sure you were given a high quality experience to ensure our Ember-Certified Contractors are the best there are.
Living in high-risk fire areas just got safer.
Home Hardening Works
There have been countless stories of homes staying standing due to wildfire home hardening updates.
Insurance Breaks are Coming
Insurance companies are now providing discounts to homeowners that make home hardening updates on their properties.
Communities Save Communities
A home-hardened community helps to stop rapid fire spread from home to home. When embers are extinguished where they land, less homes will burn.
Get Your Home Evaluated
Please fill out the information below and we will connect you with one of our Ember-Certified Contractors. Please enter your full address so we can match you with the contractor in your local area.